

Hepatitis is a type of inflammation (swelling) of the liver. It is caused by viruses, or by exposing liver to various harmful substances like alcohol, and it can lead the person to serious health issues.

Some are viral while others can be non-viral hepatitis’s. Viral hepatitis has serious symptoms, and they directly affect the liver. It can be due to recreational drugs or prescription medications.

Initial symptoms of hepatitis can include headaches, muscles and joints pain, high temperature, jaundice, feeling sick and tired, depression, etc.

Most of the hepatitis are contagious and can get you from travelers while you are traveling, by close contact with a adopted child, sexual contacts with acute hepatitis A case, etc.

Types of hepatitis:

The most common forms of hepatitis are hepatitis A, B and C while D, E and G are rare forms of hepatitis.

Hepatitis A:

This type of virus is commonly spread by sexual contact with an infected person, through the consumption of contaminated food and water and it spreads through the faucal-oral route. It is also caused mostly in countries with poor drainage and sanitation systems.


Its symptoms include fever, cough, vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, dark urine, fatigue, and jaundice.


  • Vaccination, particularly before and after traveling to other countries
  • Practicing safe sex or avoiding it until cured
  • Practicing good personal hygiene ( washing hands before and after meals and after using washroom.)Hepatitis_A_vaccine

Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B virus causes it. It can spread among persons through sexual activity, contact with contaminated blood and organs can pass from mother to child and by sharing personal items of the infected one. Transmission can also occur through transfusions of blood, using syringes, injections and through body fluids.


It usually shows no initial symptoms other than fever, fatigue or loss of appetite.


  • Avoiding sharing items like towel, toothbrush, razor, etc
  • Practicing safer sex
  • Hepatitis B vaccinations
  • Avoiding baby feeding if the mother is infected
  • Using sterilized instruments like needles, nail cutters, scissors, etc

Long-term hepatitis B infection can cause chronic hepatitis B that is extremely harmful and can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. Antiviral medications can treat it.

Hepatitis C:

It is caused by hepatitis C virus found in blood, or in the saliva, semen or vaginal fluid of the infected person. It transmits through sex or contaminated food and water.


It has no obvious symptoms other than swelling of liver or uneasiness, fatigue.


  • Avoid sharing things
  • You can take antiviral medications, but they have side effects
  • Sterilizing the instruments before use

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination to cure hepatitis C.

Hepatitis D:

It occurs in patients infected with hepatitis B, through contaminated blood and rarely through sexual contact. The dual infections can cause serious diseases and worse outcomes. Hepatitis B vaccines can cure hepatitis D.

Hepatitis E:

It is very not much common but is found in developing countries mostly among adults. It can be transmitted by anal-oral sex.

Hepatitis G:

It usually occurs in collaboration with other infections and commonly through HIV aids. It has mild symptoms.